Frequently Asked Questions
Canada Top 10 Endangered Places Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Top 10 Endangered Places?
This is a list of ten historic places in Canada at risk due to neglect, lack of funding, inappropriate development or weak legislation. The goal is to shine a spotlight on important and threatened places across Canada, inspire national media attention, and give local heritage advocates and groups renewed energy.
Can private individuals nominate a site?
Yes. We encourage the public to nominate places important to them within their community. You don’t need to be an expert in conservation to submit a nomination, just have a passion for places that matter, for the role they play in quality of life, local economies and the character of your community. If there is a threatened historic place that you would like to see on this list, we want to hear from you.
What is the process for selecting sites for the list?
National Trust staff review all nominations, consult with local/regional heritage groups and external experts, and conduct research to determine which sites will be included each year. The final selection for the Top Ten list is made by the National Trust.
Can I resubmit a nomination if it wasn’t named to the List last year?
Absolutely. Circumstances change: the threat becomes more urgent, local efforts ramp up. We are always happy to review repeat nominations.
What criteria are used when reviewing nominations?
We look at a variety of factors including the significance of the site, the urgency of the threat, and the extent of community support for its preservation.
What is the timeline for this year’s list?
Nominations are accepted year round every year until March 31. The list will be made public every year in May.
Where can I find nomination forms?