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Hot Off the Press!

Our Latest Issue of Heritage Magazine is Hot Off the Press!

Here are some highlights:

  • Canada's Armouries: Commemorating the Centenary of the First World War looks back to the expansion of the armoury construction program that saw more than 100 built across the country in the years leading up to and during the First World War. Built to endure, their often medieval-inspired designs are unique within our communities, and we are fortunate that so many of these impressive landmarks are still with us today.
  • Speaking of Winnipeg Brutalism asks why there is a renewed interest in this imposing architectural style. The author turns to a number of the city's impressive examples for answers to this question.
  • Faces and Places visits Dorval, Quebec, where community-based Main Street projects have kept people inspired and engaged for the past 18 years.

Don’t miss our Heritage Canada Works section, In Transition, and more!

SUBSCRIBE! To obtain a copy of this issue of Canada’s only national magazine dedicated to the conservation of heritage buildings and historic places contact us online or call toll free 1-866-964-1066 ext. 229.

Heritage Magazine is a bilingual quarterly published by Heritage Canada The National Trust. Its readers include heritage property owners, conservation specialists, advocates, elected officials and others who are committed to keeping historic places alive. 

For further information contact:
Carolyn Quinn
Director, Communications and Editor, Heritage Magazine
613-237-1066 ext. 229; cell 613-797-7206.