For Heritage Day, Heritage Canada The National Trust celebrated the Heritage of Sport and Recreation.
Across Canada sports and recreation activities have always played a central role in building social cohesion and community involvement. The late 19th and early 20th centuries saw an expanding variety of athletic activities being promoted—from lacrosse, curling and hockey, to boating, skiing and hiking. Canadians were quick to embrace these sporting pleasures and to build the infrastructure needed to support them.
To this day, communities both large and small possess a legacy of sports and recreation facilities which continue to serve Canadians. Read our feature article that appeared in HERITAGE magazine: Canada's Sporting Heritage: Keeping Old Venues Fit
In order to assist communities in developing a program that celebrates The Heritage of Sport and Recreation,we've included examples of active historic sporting centres here.
Ottawa New Edinburgh Boat Club
Granite Curling Club, Winnipeg
Hockey and Skating
Poplar Point Memorial Rink, Portage la Prairie, Manitoba
Galt Arena Gardens, Galt, Ontario
Red Mountain Resort, Rossland, BC
Wood Mountain Stampede, Saskatchewan