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Reach a great number of readers passionate about Canadian heritage.
Locale is the only national magazine dedicated to the conservation and rehabilitation of historic places in Canada. Published three times per year, the fully bilingual magazine includes a broad range of interesting and informative feature articles, indepth coverage of current heritage issues, and entertaining success stories that celebrate places that matter to Canadians, while highlighting the people who help to keep them alive.
Our subscribers are:
- Loyal (89% renewal rate) card-carrying members of the National Trust
- 90 % report a personal belief in preserving heritage
- Affluent (close to 40% earn between $75,000 and $125,000, and over)
- Well-educated (86% have post-secondary education)
- From every province and territory across the country.
As well as being distributed to our committed subscribers, every issue of locale is put into the hands of all federal MPs, senators, provincial premiers and mayors of Canada’s major cities. It is also distributed to museums, libraries and historic sites across the country and is the National Trust's most important marketing and public relations tool.
Although our print run is smaller than other big national magazines, we offer a unique target market of readers who are committed to the preservation of Canada’s places of scenic beauty and heritage significance. Locale offers you a cost effective way of reaching them, either in print, on our website, or bundled together in a Marketing Package.
For a copy of our rate card contact Julie Normandeau by email at or call 1-866-964-1066 ext. 234.