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HCF Responds to Federal Budget

Ottawa, ON March 22, 2013 – Heritage Canada Foundation believes that Canada’s historic places are largely overlooked by Budget 2013, putting at risk major components of our national identity and the vitality of our communities.

The Budget includes significant, targeted contributions for two high-profile projects:  $8 million in new funding for the revitalization of historic Massey Hall in Toronto, and $5 million for the creation of a Visitor Centre at the Canadian National Vimy Memorial in France.

It also provides $20 million in new matching funds to encourage donations to the Nature Conservancy for the conservation of ecologically sensitive lands.  However it fails to earmark seed money to support the transfer of hundreds of surplus historic lighthouses out of federal government ownership and into the hands of Canadian communities. And Parks Canada, which received devastating cuts in the last budget, sees no new inputs beyond $19 million in new funding for improving highways and bridges in Canada’s national parks.

“Ongoing deterioration of many public sites and the lack of incentives to attract private-sector investment to historic places represent a missed opportunity to capitalize on their economic potential,” said HCF’s Executive Director Natalie Bull, speaking from Ottawa.

The budget does contain a number of measures which may have an indirect impact on historic places and heritage organizations:

·       A Community Improvement Fund of $32.2 billion over 10 years will provide funds for municipalities to support community infrastructure projects. The list of eligible investment categories has been expanded to include brownfield redevelopment, culture and tourism projects.

·       The Building Canada Fund provides $14 billion over 10 years for infrastructure such as public transit which could help revitalize older neighbourhoods

·       There is $1.25 billion over 5 years for the Investment in Affordable Housing initiative—which could include the conversion of historic buildings—that  provides matching dollars for provincial and territorially funded projects.

·       A new, temporary First-Time Donor’s Super Credit is designed to encourage new donors to give to charities.

To review the entire Budget 2013, please click here.

The Heritage Canada Foundation is a national registered charity dedicated to the preservation of Canada’s historic places. Your support is vital to our work. Please join or make a tax-deductible donation today.

For further information

Carolyn Quinn, Director, Communications,

Telephone: (613) 237-1066 ext. 4; Cell: (613) 797-7206